Dopis od Corrine Wu

Publikováno: 22.3.2021 Autor(ka): Soňa Davisová

Žáci 9.B dostali odpověď na své dopisy z Číny.

Dear Vojtěch, Gabriela, Ondra, Diana
It is with great pleasure to hear from all of you and thank you for your kind introduction of yourselves and Czech Republic. 
Since many of you asked me about my country and myself, I will do a short introduction of myself first. My name is Carrie and I am about 10 years older than you. I visited Vlasim in 2017 when I was still studying in University and now I have graduated in 2020 and started working as a consultant. During my free time, I love to travel, but this has not been practical because of COVID situation. I also like to listen to music, dance, read books, play sports. 
I currently live in a very small country in Southeast Asia. Just to make it more fun, I will not mention the name of the country but you can make a guess based on my introduction:). This country is often referred to as “a little red dot” or “garden city”. It is also a regional finance, education, aviation hub. It has one of the best airports in the world and it itself is the capital city of the country. There is no winter or autumn or spring here. We only experience summer the whole year round. We have very diverse culture as there are 4 main ethnic groups that are living together. Do let me know if you know the answer!
Vojtěch, I have tried Svíčková when I was in Czech Republic. If I remember correctly, it is probably my first meal there. I definitely love it and wish I could eat it again. 
Gabriela, horse riding sounds fun. Yes I also hope that COVID will be over soon and our life can be back to normal and we can travel again.
Ondrea, thanks for the sharing about Czech’s policies and COVID situation. We have started the Vaccination plan as well, and for the healthcare workers and elderly first. Everything is pretty well organised and highly effecient.
Diana, thanks for introducing about your country and your school. Yes I agree that Czech Republic is a wonderful country. I especially missed the people , the culture and the architecture there.
Nice to e-meet all of you and please do take care of yourself and stay safe and healthy!
Best regards,